Really enjoyed this piece. Thank you for sharing your story.

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Good post. None of us are invincible, but it is a lesson we would all prefer to learn later rather than sooner. Having said that, it is sometimes precisely the hardest lessons that make the biggest difference.

>But compared to ten years ago, the person writing this is a far cry from who I was at 18 — which could honestly be its own entirely separate essay. I finished undergrad, lost and gained friends, grieved, lost myself for a bit, started figuring out who the hell I am, did a master’s degree in less than two years, got my first job, lived alone for the first time, and started liking myself more.

Relatable, minus the master's degree (I'm working on that part though). Ten years ago I wasn't in a great place either, in terms of life, mental health, and all that other jazz. But things got better. Here's hoping things continue to stay better for all of us.

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Amazing story! More power to you!

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